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What is CTPG Essential Oil?

So many choices. So many confusing choices.

You can find essential oils at the two dollar shop Target, convenience stores and even from smell-good companies like Scentsy and other MLM companies – and then there are companies like doTERRA and Young Living.


How do you weed through the confusing terms? 100% Pure sounds awesome.

You might as well buy the cheapest brand that says 100% pure, right?

NO, this is not right!

You see, the FDA does not regulate essential oils the way you would *think* they do. 100% Pure basically means nothing. 

Does that mean the 100% pure essential oil is the highest quality? No.

Does it mean that  the 100% pure essential oils is organic? Safe? Unadulterated? Grown in the best environment? No.

It doesn’t mean that the plants that were grown in an appropriate soil or that the oil was tested for the correct chemical constituents.

This means that YOU, the consumer, have to do your own research. YOU, the consumer, has to education yourself and not trust the government to make the best decisions for you.

I personally chose doTERRA Essential Oils. I believe that they have the highest quality essential oils, at the best price, harvested the most responsible way on the entire market.

DoTERRA realized there was little regulation and the standard was not high enough. They raised the standard for themselves and they reach or exceed that standard with every single drop of oil. They created a standard called Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade or CPTG.

Learn more about CPTG here:

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